Chapter 3: Unforeseen Alliances - A Fateful Encounter at Olympia London



Amidst a bustling trade at a Christmas event at Olympia London, John and Lesley found themselves engaged in a chance conversation that would alter the course of Ankole's journey. Fate brought them into contact with Emma Richardson, Lesley's now business partner, who was exhibiting with her other venture at the same event. 

The spark of this serendipitous conversation ignited when John and Emma discussed their respective barware. Little did they know that this spontaneous exchange would lay the foundation for a transformative partnership. Two years down the line, this unexpected encounter has evolved into a rebranded vision, a plethora of new products, and a series of successful events across the UK.

The collaboration between Emma and Lesley has proven to be a dynamic force, breathing new life into Ankole. Beyond the boardroom, their partnership extended to the heart of Uganda, where trips up country in Uganda allowed them to witness the majesty of the Ankole cows, the very source of inspiration for their craft.

The growth of this small business stands as a testament to the synergy born from chance conversations. Emma and Lesley, with their unique strengths and shared vision, have propelled Ankole into new heights. Their collaboration not only rejuvenated the brand transformed it from a small enterprise into a thriving testament to the power of unexpected partnerships and the magic woven into chance encounters. Stay tuned to continue to follow Emma & Lesley's journey..